Isn’t it handy when someone puts all their stuff in one easy to get to place? Here are all the offers.

I cannot take credit for this genius idea Lizzy Goddard tried it at as an experiment and loved it so much she encourages others to do the same.. she even trademarked the idea!


So here it is all the things free and paid that I offer…

First on the list is the free Facebook Group Scottish Business Mums.  If you are looking for a supportive community and you resonate with the name, come and join us…

Get Stuff Done

laptop and printed and written plan with a pencil.

Do you have a to do list that is getting longer and life just keeps getting in the way?
Do you have a project that just keeps being put off?
Let’s work together – you bring your task and I’ll bring mine. We work separately on pour own activity but simply being in a Zoom room with others doing the same has a magic effect on productivity.
These free sessions are availble every week. Set aside time and Get Stuff Done!

Ideas Generation

laptop and printed and written plan with a pencil.

Do you miss being part of a team?
Or perhaps your team isn’t great at brainstorming.

Let me be your ideas person and help you get what you can do or what you are stuck on into a tangible thing you can move to the next stage. Starting at £27 let me help you.

Create and Market your Online Course

A glass filled with money and a plant growing from it
Get my help, accountibilty and coaching to get your first successful course out into the world.  It is making you no money trapped in your head.

Don’t let the technical how tos and the who will buy stop you from moving forward.

Get your teaching out into the world and help more people

I will walk with you every step of the way from idea to reality and hold your hand as you make your first sales.

You know it is a great step onto the passive income ladder.  Get your course out there, let’s make it happen.

The program costs £475, but we start with a single session so your first payment is £55.  Where you will recieve great coaching it also gives us a chance to see if we are a good fit before you sign up to the program.


    Defuddling Session

    Do you sometimes think this business stuff would be easy if it wasnt for having to use a computer?

    Do you get stuck with the technical things?
    Wouldn’t you rather use your time doing what you do best?
    Let me help you defuddle the issue.
    Book a session, share your screen.  Let’s get it sorted.

    Strategy Session

    Sometimes you just need a little help with your business direction.

    Sometimes you are just missing a piece of the jigsaw and need a little nudge to see the whole picture.

    Sometimes you have lost your way and need a map. 

    Sometime you never found the direction in the first place.

    A one off, one hour call can help with all of that.

    Am I ready for an online course?

    laptop and printed and written plan with a pencil.
    Did you know the online course industry is worth almost $200billion?

    If you have considered, are considering or even thinking I cant do that… maybe you should talk to me,

    It is only £55 for a 1 to 1 call where I can look at your idea or help you find one and leave you ready to take your next steps.

    Choose your time and let’s get started…